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Thursday, 9 September 2010

Scriptz lnw - 2Pac - How Do You Want it.

mIRC Hex-Editor Snippet
Type /hex to start

Author Notes:
- Short hex editor snippet, which uses a basic mIRC window, the script
is actually pretty short, but with limited functionality
- Leave a comment behind, also contact at

- If the scroll bar is used the script will think you clicked on a different byte, so dont use the scroll button. Cannot find a decent way to disable this.

Side Notes:
- If you do not know what a hex editor is or does, this snippet is not for you!
- The snippet writes directly to the file

alias hex {
set %hex 0 34 22 @Hex-Editor $$sfile($mircdir $+ *.*,Hex Editor)
xhex %hex
menu @Hex-Editor {
tokenize 32 %hex
if ($mouse.y isnum 585-600) {
if (($mouse.x isnum 0-85) && ($calc($1 - $2 * $3) > 0)) set %hex $calc($1 - $2 * $3) $2-
elseif (($mouse.x isnum 90-140) && ($calc($1 + $2 * $3) <= $file($+(",$$5-,")))) set %hex $calc($1 + $2 * $3) $2-
xhex %hex
var &hex, %x = $int($calc($int($calc(($mouse.x - 56) / 8)) / 3 - 1)), %y = $int($calc(($mouse.y - 22) / 16)), %byte = $calc($1 + $3 * %y + %x)
if ((%x !isnum $+(0-,$calc($3 - 1))) || (%y !isnum $+(0-,$calc($2 - 1)))) return
bread $+(",$$5-,") %byte 1 &hex
var %write = $$input(Replace byte $+(',$$base($bvar(&hex,1),10,16,2),') at address $+(',$base(%byte,10,16,8),') with?,e,Replacement)
if ($base(%write,16,10) isnum 0-255) {
bset &hex 1 $v1
bwrite $+(",$5-,") %byte 1 &hex
xhex $1-
else return $input($base($v1,10,16,2) Erronomous Hex,o,error)
alias xhex {
if (!$window($4)) window -aCdfk0 +l $4 -1 -1 800 600 Fixedsys 9 | clear $4
echo $4 $chr(2) $+ Double-Click on a byte to edit, $chr(3) $+ 02Addresses are Blue, $chr(3) $+ 01Bytes are Black, $chr(3) $+ 04ASCII is Red
var &hex, %a = $1, %b = 1, %c = $+(",$$5-,")
if (!$isfile(%c)) return
while (%b <= $2) {
if (%a <= $file(%c)) {
.bread %c %a $3 &hex
echo $4 $+($chr(3),02,$base(%a,10,16,8),$chr(3)) $asc2(&hex).hex $+($chr(3),04,$asc2(&hex).chr)
else echo $4 $chr(160)
inc %a $3 | inc %b
echo $4 $str(-,17)
echo $4 $+($chr(3),00,$chr(44),01<>,$chr(3))
alias asc2 {
var %a = 1, %b, %c = $chr(160)
while (%a <= $bvar($$1,0)) {
%b = $iif($prop = hex,%b $base($bvar($1,%a),10,16,2),%b $+ $iif($chr($bvar($1,%a)),$iif($v1 = $chr(32) || $v1 = $chr(9),%c,$v1),%c))
inc %a
return %b

********************* 2 ************************

; * * ;
;* Hex encode/decode example *;
;* => *;
;* //echo -a $hex(test).encode *;
;* //echo -a $hex(74657374).decode *;
; * * ;

alias hex {
if ($1) || ($prop) {
var %o
%o = $1-
if ($prop == encode) {
var %l 1, %r
while (%l <= $len(%o)) {
%r = $+(%r,$base($asc($mid(%o,%l,1)),10,16,2))
inc %l
if ($prop == decode) {
var %l 1, %r
var %o $1-
while (%l <= $len(%o)) {
if (!$2) {
if ($mid(%o,%l,2) != 20) %r = $+(%r,$chr($base($mid(%o,%l,2),16,10)))
else %r = $+(%r,$chr($base($mid(%o,%l,2),16,10)))
else %r = $+(%r,$chr($base($mid(%o,%l,2),16,10)))
inc %l 2
return %r
unset %r, %o, %l

*************************** 3 ***************************

;whoisd v1.0.6 by HM2K - domain whois and TLD country code lookup

;Allows you (or channel users, if enabled) to check if a domain is available or taken,
;also now offers the ability to check the country code of a given TLD.

;Installation: Make sure whoisd.mrc is in your $mircdir then type: /load -rs whoisd.mrc

;/whoisd [nick/chan] - says if domain is available or not
;!whoisd - says if domain is available or not on channel trigger (if group #!whoisd is on)
;/tld [nick/chan] - says the country code of a tld
;!tld - says the country code of a tld on channel trigger (if group #!tld is on)

;whoisd v1.0.6 - Added sponsoring organisation to TLDs, and added sockdebug
;whoisd v1.0.5 - Better support for domains
;whoisd v1.0.4 - Unset the temp var on sockclose.
;whoisd v1.0.3 - TLD now returns country name correctly, fixed the output, added a repeat checker
;whoisd v1.0.2 - Added TLD country lookup, based on TCL version, added flexible debugging
;whoisd v1.0.1 - Added some documentation.
;whoisd v1.0 - Original public release.

;This is for debug mode only - I like this method
#whoisd.debug off
;debug mode so you know whats going on
alias -l whoisd.debug {
if (!$window(@whoisd)) { window -e @whoisd }
if ($1-) { aline @whoisd $timestamp $1- }
alias -l sockwrite {
whoisd.debug > sockwrite $1-
sockwrite $1-
alias -l sockopen {
whoisd.debug > sockopen $1-
sockopen $1-
#whoisd.debug end

#!whois off
on *:text:!whois *:#: { whoisd $strip($2) $chan | $repeatcheck(!whois) }
#!whois end

#!tld on
on *:text:!tld *:#: { tld $strip($2) $chan | $repeatcheck(!tld) }
#!tld end

;Main whois lookup server - You don't need to adjust this
alias whoisd.server { return }

alias -l repeatcheck { ;v0.12 by HM2K - will disable the appropriate group if its flooded
var %rep.lim = 3
var %rep.t.lim = 25
var %rep.t.expr = 10
if (%rep.lockusr- [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { echo $ifmatch | haltdef }
inc $+(-u,%rep.t.lim,$chr(32),%,rep-,$nick,.,$len($strip($1-)),.,$hash($strip($1-),32)) 1
if (%rep- [ $+ [ $nick ] $+ . $+ [ $len($strip($1-)) ] $+ . $+ [ $hash($strip($1-),32) ] ] == %rep.lim) {
;ignore -u60 $address($nick,5)
if ($group($chr(35) $+ $1) == on) { .disable $chr(35) $+ $1 | .echo -gat $1 is $group($chr(35) $+ $1) due to a repeat flood from $iif($chan,$nick in $chan,$nick) $+ , to re-enable: /enable $chr(35) $+ $1 }
.set $+(-u,%rep.t.expr,$chr(32),%,rep.lockusr-,$nick) 1

alias whoisd { ;Usage: [nick/chan]
if (!$1) { $whoisd.out Usage: /whoisd [nick/chan] | halt }
var %i ^([a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$
if ($regex($1,%i) != 1) { $whoisd.out Invalid domain | halt } $whoisd.server $1 $2

alias whoisds { whoisd $1 $active }

alias tld { ;Usage: [nick/chan]
if (!$1) { $whoisd.out Usage: /tld [nick/chan] | halt }
if (($left($1,1) != .) && (*.* iswm $1)) { $whoisd.out Invalid TLD | halt } $whoisd.server $1 $2
alias tlds { tld $1 $active }

alias -l whoisd.out {
var %prefix whoisd:
var %out echo $color(info2) -gat
if ($modespl) {
if ($1) {
if (($ifmatch != Status Window) && ($ifmatch != -)) {
if ($left($1,1) != $chr(35)) { var %out msg $1 }
elseif ($chan($1)) { var %out msg $1 }
elseif (($nick) && ($nick != $me)) var %out notice $nick
return %out %prefix

alias { ;Usage: [nick/chan]
if (!$1) { $whoisd.out Usage: / [nick/chan] | halt }
if ($sock($$2))) { sockclose $$2) }
if ($1) { sockopen $$2) $iif(: isin $1,$replace($1,:,$chr(32)),$1 43) }
else { $whoisd.out Usage: / [nick/chan] | halt }
set % $+ $$2) $1 $strip($2) $3

alias -l { return whoisd. $+ $md5($1) }

on *:sockopen:whoisd.*: {
if ($sockerr > 0) { return }
if ($whoisd.server isin $gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),1,32)) { $iif($numtok($gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),2,32),46),.sockwrite -nt $sockname $gettok($gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),2,32),$ifmatch,46),) }
else { .sockwrite -nt $sockname $gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),2,32) }
on *:sockread:whoisd.*: {
if ($sockerr > 0) { return }
if ($sock($sockname)) { sockread -f %whoisd.y }
if ($sockbr == 0) { return }

if ($whoisd.server isin $gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),1,32)) {
if ($left($gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),2,32),1) == .) || (*.* !iswm $gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),2,32)) {
if (*not found.* iswm %whoisd.y) {
$whoisd.out($gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),3,32)) Invalid TLD
sockclose $sockname
if (*Organization: * iswm %whoisd.y) {
sockmark $sockname $gettok(%whoisd.y,2-,32)
if (*Country: * iswm %whoisd.y) {
$whoisd.out($gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),3,32)) $gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),2,32),1) is $gettok(%whoisd.y,2-,32) $iif($sock($sockname).mark,$+([,$sock($sockname).mark,]))
sockclose $sockname
else {
if (Whois Server == $gettok(%whoisd.y,1-2,32)) {
.timer 1 1 $+($gettok(%whoisd.y,5,32),:,$remove($gettok(%whoisd.y,4,32),:,$chr(41))) $gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),2-,32)
if ($sock($sockname)) sockclose $sockname
elseif (*URL for registration services:* iswm %whoisd.y) {
;$whoisd.out($gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),3,32)) This TLD has no whois server, try: $gettok(%whoisd.y,5,32) - $(% $+ $sockname,2)
;sockclose $sockname
if (*not found.* iswm %whoisd.y) {
$whoisd.out($gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),3,32)) Invalid TLD
sockclose $sockname
;if (*"=xxx"* iswm %whoisd.y) {
; .timer 1 1 $gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),1,32) = $+ $gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),2-,32)
; if ($sock($sockname)) sockclose $sockname
; halt
if ((*Error for* iswm %whoisd.y) || (*ERROR: Invalid search string.* iswm %whoisd.y) || (*Bad Characters in query* iswm %whoisd.y) || (*Domain error* iswm %whoisd.y)) {
$whoisd.out($gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),3,32)) $gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),2,32) caused an error...
sockclose $sockname
if ((*No match* iswm %whoisd.y) || (*Not found* iswm %whoisd.y) || (*Status:*FREE* iswm %whoisd.y)) {
$whoisd.out($gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),3,32)) $gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),2,32) is available!
sockclose $sockname
goto i
on *:sockclose:whoisd.*: {
if ($whoisd.server !isin $gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),1,32)) { $whoisd.out($gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),3,32)) $gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),2,32) is taken! }
else { $whoisd.out($gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),3,32)) could not lookup data for $gettok($(% $+ $sockname,2),2,32) }
unset $(% $+ $sockname,1)

#whoisd.sockdebug off
;debug mode for sockets v0.02 by HM2K
alias -l sockdebug {
var %win @sockdebug
if (!$window(%win)) { window -e %win }
if ($1-) { aline %win $timestamp $1- }
alias -l sockopen {
sockopen $1-
sockdebug -> sockopen $1-
alias -l sockwrite {
sockwrite $1-
sockdebug > sockwrite $1-
alias -l sockread {
sockread $($1-,1)
sockdebug < sockread $sockname $($1-,2)
alias -l sockclose {
sockclose $1-
sockdebug <- sockclose $1-
#whoisd.sockdebug end

***************************** 4 *************************************
; Name: $Ascii
; Author: [[SeA_MaStEr]]
; E-mail:
; Channels: @#PTScripting, @Scripts @#Codes - PTNet
; Description: This code returns ascii values of chars/words and chars of ascii values.

; Install:
; - All you need to do to use this snippet is copy it (Ctrl+c) to Remotes (Alt+R) and save the changes
; - Or you can copy the code to a file and load file using the command: /load -rs
; Commands:
; 1. Syntax $Ascii(,,,).[one|two]
; Notes:
; - - In this parameter we define the chars or values that we want to know Ascii conversion
; - - Ascii value of char that separates tokens of
; - - Ascii value of char that will be separate tokens in result
; - - a (Is used when we want to know ascii values) / c (Is used when we want to know chars)
; - [one|two] - one (Is used to remove of result) / two (Is used to associate chars and values)
; Examples:
; - //echo -a $ascii(115 101 97 109 97 115 116 101 114,32,32,c)
; (Returns: s e a m a s t e r)
; - //echo -a $ascii(115 101 97 109 97 115 116 101 114,32,32,c).one
; (Returns: seamaster)
; - //echo -a $ascii(115 101 97 109 97 115 116 101 114,32,32,c).two
; (Returns: 115-s 101-e 97-a 109-m 97-a 115-s 116-t 101-e 114-r)
; - //echo -a $ascii(seamaster,32,32,a)
; (Returns: 115 101 97 109 97 115 116 101 114)
; - //echo -a $ascii(seamaster,32,32,a).one
; (Returns: 1151019710997115116101114)
; - //echo -a $ascii(seamaster,32,32,a).two
; (Returns: s-115 e-101 a-97 m-109 a-97 s-115 t-116 e-101 r-114)
alias ascii {
if ($2 !isnum) || ($3 !isnum) || (!$4) || ($4 !isin ac) || ($len($4) > 1) { return $Null }
var %text = $1, %char = $2, %char2 = $3, %prop = $4, %prop2 = $prop, %result
if (c isin %prop) && ($remove(%text,$chr(%char)) !isnum) { return $Null }
elseif (%prop2) && (%prop2 != one) && (%prop2 != two) { return $Null }
if (c isin %prop) {
var %c = 1, %t = $numtok(%text,%char)
while (%c <= %t) {
var %y = $gettok(%text,%c,%char), %result = $+(%result,$chr(%char2),$iif(%prop2 == two,$+($chr(2),%y,$chr(2)) $+ -) $+ $chr(%y))
inc %c
if (a isin %prop) {
if ($len($remove(%text,$chr(%char))) != %t) {
var %d = 1, %u = $remove(%text,$chr(%char)), %s = $len(%u)
while (%d <= %s) {
var %y = $mid(%u,%d,1), %result = $+(%result,$chr(%char2),$iif(%prop2 == two,$+($chr(2),%y,$chr(2)) $+ -) $+ $asc(%y))
inc %d
else {
var %c = 1, %t = $numtok(%text,%char)
while (%c <= %t) {
var %y = $gettok(%text,%c,%char), %result = $+(%result,$chr(%char2),$iif(%prop2 == two,$+($chr(2),%y,$chr(2)) $+ -) $+ $asc(%y))
inc %c
if (%prop2 == one) { var %result = $remove(%result,$chr(%char2)) }
return %result

*********************************** 5 ******************
; Name:
; $encrypt() && /encrypt
; Author:
; Sparkle
; Contact:
; E-mail:
; IRC: /server (@#mIRC , +#Helpdesk)
; IRC: /server ( , @#mIRC-Scripts)
; What is this $encrypt() && /encrypt ?
; It is an identifier and a command , meant to make a simple encryption to a string (text/number), a replacement of $encode() and $decode() for encrypting/decrypting passwords. "Explained in the FAQ section"
; $encrypt() && /encrypt is a local alias scripted in mIRC scripting language.;
; This identifier/command will use a While loop to convert your text into ascii characters, each letter has its ascii value, and so, the whole string will be converted to some sort of ascii characters.
; $encrypt() && /encrypt will work both ways, mean to encrypt and decrypt the string "see the Syntax section".
; Syntax:
; $encrypt(Thisisatest) , $encrypt(This is a test)
; Example lines to show the encryption and decryption.
; $encrypt() examples
; //VAR %text thisismytext | VAR %string $encrypt(%text) | echo -a 04 %text 05 $encrypt(%string)
; //VAR %text this is another text | VAR %string $encrypt(%text) | echo -a 04 %text 05 $encrypt(%string)
; //VAR %text ?h m? G0D 1 c4n u53 th15 too 1001001101 | VAR %string $encrypt(%text) | echo -a 04 %text 05 $encrypt(%string)
; //VAR %text $encrypt(IamTestingThis) | VAR %string $encrypt(%text) | echo -a 04 %text 05 $encrypt(%string)
; //VAR %text $encrypt(I am testing with spaces) | VAR %string $encrypt(%text) | echo -a 04 %text 05 $encrypt(%string)
; /encrypt examples
; //VAR %text thisismytext | VAR %string $encrypt(%text) | echo -a %string | /encrypt %string
; //VAR %text this is another text | VAR %string $encrypt(%text) | echo -a %string | /encrypt %string
; //VAR %text ?h m? G0D 1 c4n u53 th15 too 1001001101 | VAR %string $encrypt(%text) | echo -a 04 %text 05 $encrypt(%string)
; //VAR %text $encrypt(IamTestingThis) | VAR %string $encrypt(%text) | echo -a %string | /encrypt %string
; //VAR %text $encrypt(I am testing with spaces) | VAR %string $encrypt(%text) | echo -a %string | /encrypt %string
; Note:
; 1] It is highly recommended to store the encrypted string in a hash table, due to windows characters mapping, as if you store them in a text file you may get a wrong output result.
; 2] Changing This variable "%text.key = 0" while you have a stored data will damage the results, so make sure that ALL stored data are encrypted with the same key.
; Installation:
; 1] If you have recieved this file via DCC type "/load -rs $getdirencrypt.mrc" WITHOUT "".
; 2] If you have downloaded this file, you can
; a] You can copy it to your mIRC directory and type "/load -rs encrypt.mrc" WITHOUT "".
; b] You can copy the file contents and just paste them in your mIRC script editor ->
; - ALT + R
; - File > New
; - Paste the contents
; - File > Save
; - Click OK or just close the scripts editor
; FAQ:
; 1] What does this provide as an advantage over $encode/$decode ?
; A: The code won't be exploitable if you change the %text.key variable key,
; as if someone send you an exploited message and you have your encryption key set as 12,
; and this exploited text is encrypted with a diff key, it will never decrypt and/or give
; a correct result.
; 2] How do I change this key ?
; A: Check the Status/Menubar popups, click on "Change Encryption key" and enter a key value "NUMBERS ONLY", Or just type /setenckey in any window and press enter.
; 3] Why it is better for me to store the encrypted data in a hash table ?
; A: Because some characters will not display correctly if echoed /echo %string,
; but while they are stored in the hash tables, they will be called and decrypted correctly.
; 4] What are the un-supported characters for this encryption ?
; A: None.
; Updates:
; 1] Enabled using the code as command line /encrypt.
; 2] Added option to change the encryption key.
; 3] Now using hash table to store and retrive the encryption key.
; 4] Updated documentation.
; 5] Changed the code a bit in order to allow new options.
; 6] Made sure that prevenc alias will ONLY work under $encrypt() /encrypt alias "local alias and $isid"
; 7] Snippet works with mIRC 6.17 "ONLY" due to using $qt() identifier.
;DO NOT edit below unless you know what you are doing.
IF (!$hget(encrypt)) {
.HMAKE -s encrypt 10
VAR %text.key.temp = $input(Enter key value (160 is the default),eoq,Enter Encryption Key,160)
.HADD -m encrypt encrypt.key %text.key.temp
.HSAVE -o encrypt $qt($scriptdirencrypt.hsh)

IF (!$hget(encrypt)) {
.HMAKE -s encrypt 10
.HLOAD -n encrypt $qt($scriptdirencrypt.hsh)

ALIAS encrypt {
VAR %text.string = $1-
VAR %text.spaces = $numtok(%text.string,32), %text.number = 1
WHILE (%text.number <= %text.spaces) {
VAR %text.result = %text.result $prevenc($gettok(%text.string,%text.number,32))
INC %text.number
IF ($isid) RETURN %text.result
ELSE ECHO -a %text.result

ALIAS -l prevenc {
IF ($isid) {
VAR %text.key = $hget(encrypt,encrypt.key), %text = $1-
VAR %text.len = $len(%text)
WHILE (%text.len) {
VAR %text.output = %text.output $+ $chr($calc(%text.key - $asc($mid(%text,%text.len,1))))
DEC %text.len
RETURN %text.output

ALIAS setenckey {
VAR %text.key.temp = $input(Enter key value (160 is the default),eoq,Enter Encryption Key,160)
HADD -m encrypt encrypt.key %text.key.temp
HSAVE -o encrypt $qt($scriptdirencrypt.hsh)

;you can remove this part
Change Encryption key:setenckey

************************* 6 ********************************
; a substitute for mime decode since i know some addons/scripts require that
; and your users may have $decode locked ;(
; since $decode is locked by default primarily to try and cut down on the
; spreading of mirc worms, i feel this alias doesnt affect that in any way
; use: $mdecode(text|&binvar[,X])
; if a 2nd parameter exists and is not 0 or $false (such that if ($2) is
; satisfied) it handles $1 as a binary variable and decodes it as mirc's
; $decode does. doesnt have the N parameter that mirc does but you can
; add that functionality to your scripts yourself! :D
; the snippet uses 2 binary variables &da and &db so avoid calling
; your own ones that if youre using $mdecode multiple times in the same
; routine in a way that your own will be overwritten :D kinda nitpicky
; but worth mentioning nonetheless

alias mdecode {
if ($2) bcopy -c &da 1 $1 1 -1
else bset -tc &da 1 $1
var %a = 1,%b,%c
while $bvar(&da,%a) {
if ($poscs(ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/,$chr($v1))) %c = %c $+ $base($calc($v1 -1),10,2,6)
if ($mid(%c,8,0)) {
inc %b
bset -c &db %b $base($left(%c,8),2,10)
%c = $mid(%c,9)
inc %a
if ($2) bcopy -c $1 1 &db 1 -1
return $bvar(&db,$iif($2,0,1-)).text

******************************* 7 ******************************
Base64 encode DLL Source Code

#include "encoder.h"

//Base SixtyFour (64) DLL

int __stdcall zencode(HWND mWnd, HWND aWnd, char *data, char *parms, BOOL show, BOOL nopause)
return 3;
int __stdcall zdecode(HWND mWnd, HWND aWnd, char *data, char *parms, BOOL show, BOOL nopause)
return 3;
int __stdcall info(HWND mWnd, HWND aWnd, char *data, char *parms, BOOL show, BOOL nopause)
sprintf(data,"Zion-Base64 v1.0.0 DLL");
return 3;



static void base64_init(void);

static int base64_initialized = 0;
#define BASE64_VALUE_SZ 256
#define BASE64_RESULT_SZ 8192
int base64_value[BASE64_VALUE_SZ];
const char base64_code[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";

static void
int i;

for (i = 0; i < BASE64_VALUE_SZ; i++)
base64_value[i] = -1;

for (i = 0; i < 64; i++)
base64_value[(int) base64_code[i]] = i;
base64_value['='] = 0;

base64_initialized = 1;

char *
base64_decode(const char *p)
static char result[BASE64_RESULT_SZ];
int j;
int c;
long val;
if (!p)
return NULL;
if (!base64_initialized)
val = c = 0;
for (j = 0; *p && j + 4 < BASE64_RESULT_SZ; p++) {
unsigned int k = ((unsigned char) *p) % BASE64_VALUE_SZ;
if (base64_value[k] < 0)
val <<= 6;
val += base64_value[k];
if (++c < 4)
result[j++] = (val >> 16) & 0xff
result[j++] = (val >> 8) & 0xff;
result[j++] = val & 0xff;
val = c = 0;
result[j] = 0;
return result;

const char *
base64_encode(const char *decoded_str)
static char result[BASE64_RESULT_SZ];
int bits = 0;
int char_count = 0;
int out_cnt = 0;
int c;

if (!decoded_str)
return decoded_str;

if (!base64_initialized)

while ((c = (unsigned char) *decoded_str++) && out_cnt < sizeof(result) - 5) {
bits += c;
if (char_count == 3) {
result[out_cnt++] = base64_code[bits >> 18];
result[out_cnt++] = base64_code[(bits >> 12) & 0x3f];
result[out_cnt++] = base64_code[(bits >> 6) & 0x3f];
result[out_cnt++] = base64_code[bits & 0x3f];
bits = 0;
char_count = 0;
} else {
bits <<= 8;
if (char_count != 0) {
bits <<= 16 - (8 * char_count);
result[out_cnt++] = base64_code[bits >> 18];
result[out_cnt++] = base64_code[(bits >> 12) & 0x3f];
if (char_count == 1) {
result[out_cnt++] = '=';
result[out_cnt++] = '=';
} else {
result[out_cnt++] = base64_code[(bits >> 6) & 0x3f];
result[out_cnt++] = '=';
result[out_cnt] = '\0';
return result;

const char *
base64_encode_bin(const char *data, int len)
static char result[BASE64_RESULT_SZ];
int bits = 0;
int char_count = 0;
int out_cnt = 0;

if (!data)
return data;

if (!base64_initialized)

while (len-- && out_cnt < sizeof(result) - 5) {
int c = (unsigned char) *data++;
bits += c;
if (char_count == 3) {
result[out_cnt++] = base64_code[bits >> 18];
result[out_cnt++] = base64_code[(bits >> 12) & 0x3f];
result[out_cnt++] = base64_code[(bits >> 6) & 0x3f];
result[out_cnt++] = base64_code[bits & 0x3f];
bits = 0;
char_count = 0;
} else {
bits <<= 8;
if (char_count != 0) {
bits <<= 16 - (8 * char_count);
result[out_cnt++] = base64_code[bits >> 18];
result[out_cnt++] = base64_code[(bits >> 12) & 0x3f];
if (char_count == 1) {
result[out_cnt++] = '=';
result[out_cnt++] = '=';
} else {
result[out_cnt++] = base64_code[(bits >> 6) & 0x3f];
result[out_cnt++] = '=';
result[out_cnt] = '\0';
return result;


Base64 Encode/Decode by codemastr_ <-- <-- here

*************************** Final ************************
on *:TEXT:.เลีย *:#:{
timer12 1 3 describe $chan บรรจงตวัดลิ้นให้ $$2 ตั้งแต่ข้อเท้าถึงชอกคอ
timer13 1 7 describe $chan จากหัวเข่าวนไปที่สะดือ ลงมาอีกนิด แล้ววนไปนิวยอร์ค มอสโคแล้วค่อยกลับ
timer14 1 12 describe $chan รู้ว่าผู้ชายอย่าง $nick ทำไม่ได้พริ้วเหมือน $me ทำหรอกนะครับ เด็กๆ 555
on *:TEXT:.รัก *:#:{
timer12 1 3 describe $chan มอบความรักให้ $$2 จาก $nick
timer13 1 7 describe $chan ให้ $$2 ลูกอม กับ บาคาดี้
timer14 1 14 describe $chan บรรจงเท บาคาดี้ ให้ $$2 $+ ....... ดื่ม
timer15 1 20 describe $chan ...ขณะเธอกำลังมึนเลยฉวยโอกาสกับ... $nick double team $$2 555555555
on *:TEXT:.สาวๆไปไหน *:#:{
timer12 1 3 describe $chan เฮ้อ... $$2 ชีวิตหน่อชีวิต
timer13 1 7 describe $chan ม่อมา 8 ปี ได้ไม่กี่คน
timer14 1 12 describe $chan ผมว่า $nick ย้ายเชิฟไปกับ $me เถอะคับ Ausnet Dalnet ThaiIRC อย่าไปเล่น แมร่งเลย..Webchat

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